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16VG32 Engine at Shanghai Maritime Exhibition--- New breakthrough of self-owned brand


On Dec. 4th,2019, during the 20th Shanghai International Maritime Exhibition, the new product launch event for 16VG32 diesel engine was held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. The latest high-power medium speed diesel engine independently developed by Guangzhou diesel engine factory Co., Ltd. was officially launched on the market, and it marks another major breakthrough inmedium speed diesel engine research and production.


New product press conference

At the press conference, Li Weibiao(Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of GDF) made a speech, Li Shusheng (Secretary General of CSICE),gave a speech, and Chen Yubin (Deputy General Manager of CCS Guangzhou office), issued Type Approval Certificate, A delivery ceremony for the first 16VG32 diesel engine was held by Li Wenfeng ( Deputy General Manager of GDF )to user. 18 design institutes including Shanghai Shipbuilding Research and Design Institute, Shanghai Ship Transportation Science Research Institute, and WuhanYangtze River Design Institute, 15 ship enterprises including China International, China Port Dredging, Dingheng Shipping, China Communications Guangzhou Navigation Bureau, and COSCO Shipping Special Transport Company, 2 universities including Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Wuhan University of Technology, as well as 10 enterprises including suppliers and agents, and about 80 guests attended the press conference.


16VG32 Diesel engine type approval certificate issued by CCS


Delivery ceremony for the first set of 16VG32 diesel engine

At the meeting,Zhang Qing(Deputy General Manager of GDF). gave a detailed introduction for the structure and performance of 16VG32 diesel engine to all guests.

16VG32 diesel engine is large-power medium speed diesel engine independently developed by GDF on the basis of G32 series diesel engine. Its performance leads the domestic industry and reaches the international technical level of similar products. G32 series diesel engine is medium speed diesel engine with perfect performance, and independently developed by GDF. which won the second prize of Guangzhou Scienceand Technology Award and the second prize of China Industrial Science and Technology Award. G32 series diesel engine fills the gap in similar domestic products. Since it being put on the market in 2007, the products have been widely used in main propulsions for bulk carriers, container ships, oiltankers, engineering ships, passenger ships, ro-ro ships, and military auxiliary ships, as well as in land power plants and other engineering power,and have been highly praised by customers.


16VG32 diesel engine adopts V-shaped structure to make the engine more compact and reliable.The turbocharger is arranged at the front end and can output power at the frontand rear ends to meet various needs. It can use 380cSt/50 ℃ HFO for a long time, so the economy is good; Emission indexis higher than IMO TierII standard, and available for unlimited navigation. Its superior comprehensive performance can be used as the main propulsion with FPP or CPP, main generating with electric propulsion system, marine auxiliary generation, driving engineering equipments such as mud pumps, water pumps,hydraulic systems, etc., so the application is very wide..

The power of 16VG32 diesel engine reaches to 8000KW, which is the largest power in G32 series diesel engine. 16VG32 diesel engine inherits the excellent genes and gathers the optimization of G32 series diesel engine, and adopts more reliable design, further improve the comprehensive performance, so 16VG32 diesel engine combines"strong" and "large" into one. The successful research and development of 16VG32 diesel engine has quickly gained market recognition. Thisis another major new breakthrough that GDF has adhered to independent research and development innovation for many years, It will play a very important rolein promoting the development of domestic medium speed diesel engines.


High performance independent brand--

Medium speed gas engine and dieselengine released

On May 25, 2017,the high-performance medium speed gas engine and diesel engine product launchevent was grandly held at GDF. The press conference is hosted by 711 Research Institute, one of the share holders of GDF. More than a hundred guests from relevant departments of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, Guangdong Province, and Guangzhou City, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, well-known domestic shipping enterprises, shipbuilding enterprises, classification societies, design institutes, ship owners, andsupporting enterprises attended to witness this important historical momenttogether.


Newproduct opening 

Wang Ruihua (Vice Director of theEquipment Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), YouShumin (Deputy Director of Industry development center of the Ministry ofIndustry and Information Technology   ), WangJunli (Director of the Science and Technology Department of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation), Haining (Deputy Director of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangzhou), Dong Jianfu (Directorof the 71st Research Institute of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation), and Cai Ruixiong (Chairman of Guangzhou Electric Equipment Group) jointly press the start button to officially launch the new product.


Gasengine type approval certificate 

Zhang Yu(ChiefEngineer of CCS Guangzhou Branch), personally issued type approval certificate ofM23G gas engine to Li Weibiao (General Manager of GDF).



       Chairman He Bing delivered the first set of CS21 production to Shanghai Port Fuxing Shipping Company on site

 The high-performance independent brand medium speed gas engine and diesel engine products released this time include CS21 medium speed marine diesel engine and 8M23G natural gas engine, both of which are developed by 711 Research Instituteand manufactured by GDF. CS21 technical index has reached to the advanced levelabroad, and it has been matched with SCR system to obtain the first IMO TierIII emission certificate in China. On May 25, 2017, CS21 diesel engine successfully broke the foreign brand barrier and entered the high-end port engineering ship market, with two sets of products officially delivered to users. 8M23G naturalgas engine is an inherently safe. The thermal efficiency exceeds 42%, the emission meets the IMOTier III requirements, and the technical index reaches to the international advanced level. In May 2017, it successfully passed the type approval of the classification society.. The first supply agreement was officially signed at this press conference. The successful development and official release of CS21 medium speed marine diesel engine and 8M23G naturalgas engine products is another major achievement in the research and development of high-performance domestic brand medium speed gas engines and diesel engine products in China, further enhancing the comprehensive competition of domestic brand diesel engine products, and it has taken a solid step towards the industrialization of independent brands.

In his speech atthe press conference, Wang Ruihua pointed out that China's shipbuilding industry in the past 20 years, we have achieved rapid development and outstanding results, but there is still a phenomenon of low-end product surplus and of high-end product shortage. and this is acommon problem of the manufacturing industry. Our country pay great importance to the development of the ship supporting industry, in order to promotehigh-tech ships and the development of the entire ship supporting industry,starting from the 11th Five Year Plan, the country has launched the special project of high-tech ships, with a focus on promoting the innovation construction.Starting from the 12th Five Year Plan, our country has provided key support forthe shipbuilding power industry. In order to cooperate with the strategy of building a strong manufacturing and maritime country, it focuses on promotingthe development of the shipbuilding supporting industry and promoting the localization of marine products, loading rate, and self-owner rate. The successful implementation of scientific research projects, such as "Researchon Key Technologies of Self owned Brand Marine Medium Speed Diesel Engine" and "Large Power Research on Key Technologies for Medium Speed Natural Gas Engine ", marks China's shipbuilding industry has entered a new stage of development, and taken a solid step. The focus of the next stage is on the development of the marine supporting industry, especially in promoting the development of independent brands, continuously innovating in systematization and flow, focusing on market development, establishing brand value, and firmly establishing and effectively implementing of innovation, coordination, green,open and sharing, joint research and development, creating high-qualityproducts, and committed to creating the "three qualities” and engineering requires increasing variety, improvingquality, and creating brand.

For many years, GDF always adheres to the development ofhigh-performance diesel engine. It is currently the only enterprise in China that can compete with international products. It has actively played a role innational scientific and technological projects such as " Research on Key Technologies of Self owned Brand Marine Medium Speed Diesel Engine " and" Large Power Research on Key Technologies for Medium Speed Natural Gas Engine". The successful release of CS21 medium speed marine diesel engine and 8M23G natural gas engine is also the comprehensive embodiment of the powerful strength in the production and manufacturing of high-performancediesel engines.

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